The Sinuva implant

CEENTA brings Sinuva to sinusitis patients

May 08, 2018

Have you heard of Sinuva, a new treatment for chronic sinusitis patients with recurrent sinus polyps? We’re excited to tell you about this new development in sinusitis care.

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Rita Jamison, RN

​CEENTA Career Talk: what's it like to be a medical assistant?

Apr 02, 2018

When you go to a doctor’s appointment, you’ll almost certainly be seen by a medical assistant who does some prep work before the doctor joins you. Some doctors even have the same assistants for years, and you’ll get to know them as well as your physician. But who are these medical assistants and what is it like to be one at CEENTA? Today we’ll learn all about it from Rita Jamison, RN.

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Dr. Dingle on WSOC's Daily Teo

Dr. Isaac Dingle on WSOC's Daily Two

Mar 29, 2018

CEENTA ENT doctor Isaac Dingle, MD, talked about sinusitis on WSOC's Daily Two on Wednesday, March 28, 2018.

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A woman shops for fresh produce at a farmers market

​5 fun facts for spotting fresh fruits and vegetables

Mar 27, 2018

We’ve talked before in this blog about how fruits and vegetables are good for your eyes, help you avoid getting a cold, and even help you fall asleep. But we’ve never talked about how to actually identify the best fruits and vegetables. Today, we’re changing that. We’ll show you what to watch for, how to clean your produce, and how to store it. Intrigued? Read on to learn more.

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Stay safe this St. Patrick's Day

"​Moderation, hydration… and the luck of the Irish"

Mar 16, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow, and many people will be celebrating with a drink or three. But while alcohol in moderation is okay, too much can cause damage to your throat.

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A woman with an adult ear infection gets her ear examined at Charlotte Eye Ear Nose and Throat Associates

​The painful truth about adult ear infections

Mar 01, 2018

It’s the middle of the night and you wake up with a sharp, stabbing pain in your ear. You’re pretty sure you have an ear infection. You’re surprised, because you didn’t know adults could get ear infections. As it turns out, they can.

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