A woman reads on the beach

What should we read today?

Jun 08, 2018

Your eye prescription is up to date, your hearing has been checked, and with your doctors’ appointments out of the way, it’s time to go on vacation. If you’re like us, you like to take a book or audiobook when you travel. So, some of our doctors decided to share some of the books they like to read or listen to. Maybe you’ll find something that piques your interest in the list below.

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Two passengers on a plane

​Why do my ears hurt when I’m flying?

Jun 06, 2018

Many people are planning to take a long trip this summer, and that means going on a flight. But not everyone likes flying, especially those people whose ears hurt during takeoff and landing. What causes that pain and how can you prevent it? Read on to learn how to give your ears a pain-free vacation.

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Richard Felkner, MD

The history of CEENTA: listening to an ENT doctor

Jun 05, 2018

When a field of medicine goes through a period of incredible growth and development, it can inspire a doctor to dedicate his career to it. That’s what happened with Richard Felkner, MD, who was so inspired by the renaissance in ENT care in the 1960s that he became a specialist and spent decades caring for patients at CEENTA.

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A man with glasses and hearing aids

​How do vision and hearing loss affect your life?

May 30, 2018

Vision loss and hearing loss are more than just physical conditions. They can affect your quality of life and mental health, too. That’s why we want to share with you the importance of regular vision and hearing care.

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A little girl breathes through her nose. Causes for stuffy nose may be allergies or deviated septa

What are causes for stuffy nose in a child?

May 17, 2018

Your child has been having difficulty breathing and they always have a stuffy nose. You don’t think they have a cold, but what else might be causing problems? Today we’ll cover a few of the issues any child over the age of 1 might be facing.

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Dr. Tebbit on Charlotte Today

Dr. Christopher Tebbit on Charlotte Today

May 15, 2018

CEENTA ENT doctor Christopher Tebbit, MD, discussed deviated septums and nasal polyps on WCNC's Charlotte today on Monday, May 14, 2018.

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