CEENTA Ophthalmic Technician Kwame Amanfoh gives free screenings in Ghana

​Care around the world: CEENTA eye tech in Ghana helps restore a woman’s vision

Jun 09, 2017

Kwame Amanfoh is a CEENTA ophthalmic technician who regularly travels to Ghana to provide free eye screenings and glasses to people who could not otherwise afford them. On his most recent trip, he helped restore the vision of a woman whose eyes were seriously damaged by bad glaucoma medicine.

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Charlotte Smarty Pants Podcast with Drs Hoover and Klotz

A Smarty Podcast with Dr. Hoover and Dr. Klotz

Jun 02, 2017

CEENTA ENT doctors Hunter Hoover, MD, and Darrell Klotz, MD, were on the Charlotte Smarty Pants podcast to talk about the differences between colds and allergies.

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Happy campers without cataracts

​Clearing up confusion about cataracts

Jun 01, 2017

If you have an older relative, you may have heard them complain about cataracts. But what are cataracts and how are they treated? June is Cataract Awareness Month, so today we’re going to separate the myths from the facts about cataracts.

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Young woman with hoarseness and voice disorders

What is your voice trying to tell you?

Jun 01, 2017

Even with attention to good vocal hygiene, if you have a vocally demanding job you may still find yourself with hoarseness. What are some common hoarseness-causing voice disorders, and when should you see a doctor about them?

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Allergy-free children playing at summer camp

​Make summer camp fun and allergy-free

May 25, 2017

School will be letting out in a few weeks, and for some kids that means they’ll be heading off to summer camp. But what does that mean if your child has allergies? Will being outside all day mean they’ll spend the day stuffed up and sneezing?

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Construction worker wearing ear protection

​Keeping your hearing healthy isn’t hard work

May 24, 2017

When you’re on the job it’s important to hear everything around you, from your boss giving you an assignment to listening to the equipment you’re operating. However both loud impact-type sounds – such as a jackhammer – or extended time exposed to a sound – like with lawn mowers – can permanently damage your hearing. This month is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and is the perfect time to learn what can damage your hearing and what you can do to protect it.

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