Lyric hearing aid instrument

Lyric sounds like a great hearing aid

Sep 29, 2017

Although hearing aids improve the quality of life for people who wear them, too many people are still finding excuses to put off getting the help they need. Whether they’re claims of discomfort, fear of damaging them, or the embarrassment of wearing them, some people are reluctant to wear hearing aids. That’s why hearing aids like Lyric, which address many of those concerns, could be a good option for some patients.

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Jeanne Hitsman, a Certified Ophthalmic Assistant in Charlotte.

​CEENTA Career Talk: Ophthalmic Assistants have opportunities to grow

Sep 26, 2017

Do you enjoy caring for eyes? Do you want to work in a practice that will give you new opportunities every day and provide plenty of learning prospects? A career as a CEENTA Ophthalmic Assistant could be right for you. But don’t take our word for it. Just ask Certified Ophthalmic Assistant Jeanne Hitsman.

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A doctor holds an e-cigarette

Is vaping harmless?

Sep 21, 2017

Vaping has seen an explosion in popularity in recent years. Electronic cigarettes or “e-cigarettes” are battery operated devices that heat a nicotine-laced liquid (in addition to a number of chemical additives – glycol, glycerin and usually some type of flavoring) into a vapor so that it may be inhaled like a cigarette, and “vaping” is the act of inhaling the flavored nicotine fog. Vaping has been marketed as a healthy alternative to smoking because it does not contain tobacco, but are e-cigarettes and vaping really harmless?

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Dr. Schotthoefer and other presenters at Juvenile Arthritis Family Day

​Educating the community on juvenile arthritis and the eye

Sep 15, 2017

Arthritis affects millions of people in the United States, including thousands of children. While it is primarily a joint condition, it can affect other parts of the body, such as the eyes. On September 9, the Arthritis Foundation sponsored a Juvenile Arthritis Family Day at Camp Dogwood in Sherrills Ford, NC. CEENTA pediatric ophthalmologist Erin Schotthoefer, MD, was one of the physicians who took part and helped educate attendees on the link between juvenile arthritis and an eye condition called uveitis.

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People listening to the opera

​Sing the praises of hearing aids

Sep 12, 2017

A night out at the opera is an enjoyable experience for everyone, but what if you are hard of hearing? Does that mean you won’t hear the singing? Fortunately, there are plenty of hearing aid options for you.

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LED eyelashes

​Don’t blink at LED accessories

Sep 11, 2017

You may have seen them online: photos or videos of people with LED light strips attached to their eyelashes, the lights flashing in sync with the wearer’s movements. But while they are a hot new fashion trend among club-goers and costumers, some doctors are concerned they might cause long-term damage to the eyes.

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