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A night out at the opera is an enjoyable experience for everyone, but what if you are hard of hearing? Does that mean you won’t hear the singing? Fortunately, there are plenty of hearing aid options for you.
You may have seen them online: photos or videos of people with LED light strips attached to their eyelashes, the lights flashing in sync with the wearer’s movements. But while they are a hot new fashion trend among club-goers and costumers, some doctors are concerned they might cause long-term damage to the eyes.
It’s a common lament of many parents: their child always seems to be sick and has a cough that just won’t go away. If you’re one of these parents, you might not know what’s causing it and when you should take your young one to the doctor. This blog would like to answer those questions.
Why is my mouth itchy?
As a patient of CEENTA’s eye doctors, we know you value your eyes and how much of the Carolinas’ natural splendor you can see with them. That’s why we put together a list of beautiful things to see and places to visit within a few hours’ drive of Charlotte.
Do you have nasal obstruction? Are allergy medicines doing nothing to relieve your symptoms? Did your doctor tell you that you may have weak outer nasal walls? If so, a new treatment available at CEENTA may be right for you.