Christmas carol singers

The holiday season wouldn’t be complete without listening to your favorite festive songs. Our audiologists love holiday music, too, and today some of them want to share what's on their playlists.

Greer Bailey, AuD

Greer Bailey, AuDSouthPark: One of my favorite Christmas songs is “Do you hear what I hear?” It is a great tie-in to our services as well!

Mark Gabrych, AuD

Mark Gabrych, AuDAlbemarle: My two favorites are probably instrumental “Greensleeves” and Ken Block/Sister Hazel's version of “River.” “Greensleeves” takes me back to childhood and being in church on Christmas Eve, and the music certainly invokes a peaceful easy feeling for me now. I've been a Sister Hazel fan since college, watching the band come of age in Gainesville, FL in the early to mid 90's, and have seen them numerous times in concert since. As far as “River,” I like the song and especially the arrangement and Ken's voice on this one.

Allison Loehrke, AuD

Allison Loerhke, AuD – SouthPark and Pineville: My favorite holiday song is “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” by The Four Seasons. My family and I listen to this song every Christmas morning while opening gifts. The tradition started with my grandpa, who would play the Four Seasons album on repeat to wake up my mother and her siblings on Christmas morning.

Alexander Luck, AuD

Alexander Luck, AuD – SouthPark and Pineville: In 4th grade, my teacher thought it'd be a good idea to have my class sing “Silent Night” in German for the school Christmas pageant. Seeing as how the 27 of us knew a collective zero German words, it was a total disaster. To this day, whenever Silent Night is on, I sing along using a few of the German words I retained. The rest is entirely fabricated.

Courtney Matthews, AuD

Courtney Matthews, AuDBlakeney: It’s tough to pick a favorite. I'd say mine is “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” because it doesn't feel like the holidays until that song has been stuck in my head for days.

Jessa McGrath, AuD

Jessa McGrath, AuD – SouthPark and University: Pentatonix always puts me in the holiday spirit! They are an a cappella group that performs cover versions of Christmas songs. A Pentatonix playlist stays on repeat at my house throughout the entire month of December.

Justin McGrath, AuD

Justin McGrath, AuDConcord: My favorite is “Christmas Time is Here” by the Vince Guaraldi Trio. I love Charlie Brown.

Heather Morrison, AuD

Heather Morrison, AuDBelmont: My favorite song of the season is “The Little Drummer Boy.” This song in particular shows that no matter what circumstances you may be in today, you can put your best foot forward and make Him smile.

Jeremy Schwartz, AuD

Jeremy Schwartz, AuD – SouthPark and Uptown: “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer,” because my mom and I used to sing it together around Christmas when I was a little kid. It brings back memories of Christmas with family.

Kallie Telfer, AuD

Kallie Telfer, AuD – Huntersville: “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” We don't get much snow here in North Carolina and when we do, it reminds me of being a child in Ohio and getting excited for snow. I also love “It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.” It’s a classic! I love Christmas time, decorations, lights, giving gifts, etc. I just love Christmas music in general! Sometimes I will listen to it after a bad day (off-season) just to cheer myself up!

If you’re not hearing your holiday favorites as well as you used to, make an appointment for a test with one of CEENTA’s audiologists. They help you hear all those songs as clearly as you did when you were young.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. You can schedule an appointment with any of our nearly 40 audiologists in North and South Carolina through myCEENTAchart or by calling 704-295-3000.


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