Pegs representing connection between tinnitus and antidepressants

​The link between tinnitus and some antidepressants

Dec 07, 2017

Antidepressants are a very important treatment option for people dealing with depression. Depression is also one of a number of mental health concerns linked to tinnitus. However, some researchers say some antidepressants can aggravate tinnitus issues.

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A depressed man with tinnitus

Understand the link between tinnitus and mental health

Oct 13, 2017

Tinnitus, a chronic hearing condition, is often thought of as a physical health issue. However, not as many people know that ringing in the ears has been tied to declining mental health, too. October is Audiology Awareness Month, and is a good time to draw attention to what can be a very serious concern.

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Lyric hearing aid instrument

Lyric sounds like a great hearing aid

Sep 29, 2017

Although hearing aids improve the quality of life for people who wear them, too many people are still finding excuses to put off getting the help they need. Whether they’re claims of discomfort, fear of damaging them, or the embarrassment of wearing them, some people are reluctant to wear hearing aids. That’s why hearing aids like Lyric, which address many of those concerns, could be a good option for some patients.

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People listening to the opera

​Sing the praises of hearing aids

Sep 12, 2017

A night out at the opera is an enjoyable experience for everyone, but what if you are hard of hearing? Does that mean you won’t hear the singing? Fortunately, there are plenty of hearing aid options for you.

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Dizzy woman balances against a wall

Let us help you get your life back on balance

Jul 19, 2017

CEENTA’s audiologists are highly skilled in treating hearing loss and tinnitus, but did you know you can come to them for balance and dizziness issues, too?

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A woman with insomnia and tinnitus can't sleep. Treating tinnitus, noise in ears

​Don’t sleep on treating your tinnitus

Jul 07, 2017

Insomnia and tinnitus can both be troublesome issues on their own, but when a lack of sleep affects your ears, it can be all the more unpleasant. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with both conditions that can help you get a better night’s sleep.

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