A woman about to receive cosmetic fillers.

With review and contributions from ENT doctor Roy Lewis, MD (Mooresville)

If you’ve ever considered having your crow’s feet or softer wrinkles removed, you may have considered BOTOX injections. While BOTOX injections are probably the most well-known, they are not the only cosmetic injections. In fact, cosmetic fillers might be a great alternative.

What is the difference between BOTOX and other cosmetic fillers?

Cosmetic fillers are sugars called hyaluronic acid, which are found naturally in the tissues of the body. BOTOX and similar substances, on the other hand, are made from botulinum toxin.

How do cosmetic fillers work?

Cosmetic fillers restore volume and suppleness to the skin, which helps eliminate fine lines, wrinkles and creases. This is different from BOTOX, which works by temporarily freezing a person’s facial muscles.

Cosmetic fillers are also a better alternative in some locations of the face. Speak to your doctor about which option would be better for the treatment you desire.

Can anyone get cosmetic fillers?

Unfortunately, people with marked sun damage or skin texture issues are not good candidates for cosmetic fillers. Also, some skin issues might be better addressed through a facelift, an eyebrow lift, or another skin-tightening procedure.

How long do cosmetic fillers last?

Cosmetic fillers last about six to nine months on average. Once your initial injections start to wear off, you can get follow-up treatments that may last longer than the initial injection, CEENTA ENT doctor Roy Lewis, MD, said.

Do cosmetic fillers have a long recovery time?

Roy Lewis, MD

Cosmetic injections are a fast, in-office procedure, and in most cases you can return to your normal activities right away.

“I love cosmetic fillers because the patient and I can both see the improvement during the procedure.With BOTOX, the results aren’t visible for 3-7 days,” Dr. Lewis said.

CEENTA has doctors in North and South Carolina who offer cosmetic fillers. If this is a treatment you would like to consider, please schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. To make an appointment for a cosmetic filler consultation, call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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