Fans cheering at game who can protect their hearing at sporting events

Score a win with hearing safety

Aug 10, 2016

The Panthers. The Hornets. The Checkers. The Knights.  The Charlotte area is one of the best places to be if you love live sports. But while going to a sporting event is a fun way to spend a day, people should remember they can be very loud and cause hearing damage.

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what are yag lasers and what CEENTA offices have them

Bringing Advanced Eye Treatments Closer to Home with YAG Lasers

Aug 03, 2016

Patients in the Belmont and University areas will be able to get more progressive eye care with the installation of two new lasers in CEENTA’s offices there.

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Care around the world: CEENTA eye tech in Ghana helps a woman get major eye surgery

Jul 27, 2016

Kwame Amanfoh, a CEENTA ophthalmic technician who has helped hundreds of people in villages throughout Ghana get free eye screenings and glasses, has gone one step further and helped a woman there get treatment for a serious eye injury she received as a child.

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Don’t let the sun damage the skin around your eyes

Jul 14, 2016

While a day in the sun can be fun, too much can be dangerous. However, a good sunscreen can block 97 percent or more of the sun’s radiation.

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Why you shouldn't use wire grill brushes

Jul 01, 2016

The weather is getting warmer and grilling season is almost upon us. But when you pull out the grill, you should also get rid of your wire-bristle grill brushes. The bristles can fall off when you clean your grill and get stuck in your food, and that can be very dangerous. CEENTA otolaryngologist Sajeev K. Puri, MD talks about what could happen if you swallow a bristle and what safe alternatives you should use instead.

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CEENTA welcomes Dr. Joshua Rheinbolt

Jun 29, 2016

The CEENTA family will grow next week when Ophthalmologist Joshua Rheinbolt, MD, joins our practice on July 5.

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