​Holiday Health: how to avoid acid reflux

Dec 13, 2016

The holiday season is a time for festivities and fun with friends and family. That means you will almost certainly be going to a number of parties where you’ll be eating and drinking more than usual. And that change in your diet means there’s a greater chance you’ll have to deal with acid reflux.

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Eye Chart which can be used in determining the numbers for your eye exam

​Seeing things clearly: understanding the numbers in your eye exam

Dec 09, 2016

The numbers used to measure vision are probably some of the most recognizable in the world. 20/20 has become shorthand for seeing things clearly, not just physically but metaphorically, too. But what do those numbers actually mean?

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What is a thyroid nodule?

Dec 07, 2016

Thyroid nodules can come in all sizes. Often they are quite small, but they can affect your health in different ways. Therefore, it is important to have them evaluated and treated by someone who has experience in this regard. But what is a thyroid nodule?

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​How to Survive the Holiday Season with Your Voice Intact

Nov 30, 2016

The voice is used a lot during the holiday season, especially if you are a singer. Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, P.A. Voice & Swallowing Specialist Lori Ellen Sutton, MA, CCC-SLP discusses caring for your voice during this busy time.

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Popular ad describing night vision during World War II

Carrots, night vision, and World War II

Nov 18, 2016

It was 1940, and the German Luftwaffe was making regular air raids on the United Kingdom. Although the British Royal Air Force was successful in shooting down many German planes, blackouts were still in effect across the country to minimize the visibility of targets on the ground. But don’t worry, the British government said. If you eat carrots, they’ll help you see in the dark, just like they did for RAF Flight Lieutenant John “Cat’s Eyes” Cunningham. Cunningham was responsible for shooting down 20 German aircraft, and it was attributed to his love of carrots. The only problem with that? The British government made it up.

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Pedro Cervantes, MD

CEENTA welcomes Dr. Pedro Cervantes

Nov 10, 2016

CEENTA is proud to announce Pedro Cervantes, MD, has joined our practice.

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