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The first frost typically means the end of fall allergy season, but a delayed freeze this year means allergy patients will have to deal with their symptoms for a while longer.
CEENTA Ophthalmologist Kashyap B. Kansupada, MD, FACS, discusses the Symfony Intraocular Lens, a new lens for treating cataracts, on Charlotte Today.
While Blepharospasm is a condition very few people have, the Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation’s November support group meeting means they don’t need to deal with it alone.
In this season of Thanksgiving it is easy to say that we are thankful for our family, our friends, and other blessings. But did you ever think about being thankful for your voice? This year, the team at the CEENTA Voice and Swallowing Center would encourage you to do so. Here’s why:
CEENTA ophthalmologist Robert Saltzmann, MD, discusses glaucoma and its treatments on WCNC's Charlotte Today.
Halloween is almost here! This is one of the most fun days of the year for many people, but it’s important for children and adults alike to remember to stay safe and healthy. Following the tips below will make sure your family is as safe as possible.