Jason Barnes, MD discussing the parotid gland on WSOC's Daily Two

CEENTA otolaryngologist Jason Barnes, MD, appeared on WSOC's Daily Two on April 18, 2023 to discuss the parotid gland and parotid gland conditions. Learn more from Dr. Barnes and schedule your next ENT appointment with him at our Mooresville office today.

Transcript of the Interview

Laura Palka: The Daily Two is sponsored by Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates. Welcome, I'm Laura Palka, and today we're talking about one of the salivary glands and how it can impact your overall health. Joining us today is ENT doctor Jason Barnes. Doctor, what is the parotid gland and where is it located?

Dr. Jason Barnes: The parotid gland is a spit gland that's located in the cheek. It's right in front of the ear and it circles down towards the jawline. It's one of the major saliva glands that provide saliva for our mouth.

Laura: And what are common conditions that affect the parotid gland?

Dr. Barnes: The parotid gland can become infected, there are channels that can become narrowed or scarred, but the thing that I want to talk about today are tumors that can arise in the parotid gland.

Laura: Yeah, tell us more about that.

Dr. Barnes: So parotid gland tumors come in two main categories: benign, meaning non-cancerous, and malignant, meaning cancerous. The good news is the majority are benign. They oftentimes are found by patients who are simply feeling their cheek or shaving ,and it's a lump or bump in the cheek or along the jawline. If someone feels this, they should be evaluated by an ENT.

Laura: And how do you generally treat it? Is it surgery or something else?

Dr. Barnes: Yeah, so usually we'll get a CT scan to determine what it looks like, and sometimes we'll get a needle biopsy. But even though these tumors are often benign, we still recommend getting them surgically excised because they can become a cancer. That involves an incision in front of the ear and down the neck, and the parotid gland is carefully dissected, and the tumor is removed.

Laura: Is this something that's outpatient, or?

Dr. Barnes: It's an outpatient surgery most of the time, and patients do quite well with it.

Laura: Alright, now you are in the Mooresville office, so if someone has a question or concern, they should just call you to make an appointment?

Dr. Barnes: Please, we're happy to see anyone anytime. We have a brand-new building.

Laura: Wonderful! Doctor, thank you so much for joining us today. We appreciate all the great information about the parotid gland. And again, if you would like more information, you can call the number on your screen or go to WeJustMakeSense.com. For the Daily Two, I’m Laura Palka.


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