Man holding one of many hearing aid options

Finding the right treatment for your hearing loss shouldn’t be complicated. As you transition to this stage in your life where you require hearing assistance, the right hearing aid can be the difference between clear sounds and constant readjustments. Take these tips into consideration when you look for the perfect hearing aid:

Schedule an audiology appointment

Before discussing your hearing aid options, you will need to schedule time with an audiologist to have your hearing tested. A trained audiologist can determine the extent of your hearing loss so that they can recommend the appropriate style and power for you. This also helps establish a resource for you in case you have additional questions about your hearing aid or need to have it fixed and cleaned.

Think about size vs. power

Once your hearing level has been determined, it’s time to meet with your audiologist to discuss an abundance of hearing aids that cater to many different needs and preferences. Manufacturers are continuing to make hearing aids that are discreet and smaller for patients who prefer something less noticeable. However, the caveat is that smaller hearing aids may not have the battery size and subsequent power needed to meet your needs if your hearing loss is severe. Your audiologist will help you weigh these options and find the hearing aid that meets your aesthetic and functional needs.

Customize your style

As mentioned, hearing aids come with a variety of styles. The most common versions include:

  • Completely in the canal (CIC): fits fully in the ear canal
  • In the canal (ITC): fits partially in the ear canal
  • In the ear (ITE): fits the bowl shape of the ear or the lower part of the ear
  • Behind the ear (BTE): hooks over the ear

Brittany Thibodeau, AuD, a CEENTA audiologist from our Matthews location, elaborated on additional factors. "While you're in the process of getting fitted, your comfort level with each style along with other factors including nature and degree of hearing loss, ease of use, earwax buildup, and the ability to pick up unwanted sounds like the wind will be considered."

Consider additional features

As technology continues to improve, so do hearing aids. Modern hearing aids have continued to include new and exciting features to cater to patients, such as:

  • Feedback suppression
  • Bluetooth and wireless connectivity
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Directional microphones
  • Volume adjustments

Whether you’re brand new to hearing aids or looking for something more personalized, CEENTA’s audiology team can find the solution to your hearing needs. With audiologists across nearly twenty offices in the Carolinas, the perfect sound is closer than you think. Schedule your next hearing aid appointment with a CEENTA audiologist today through your myCEENTAchart account or by calling 704-295-3300.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. You can schedule an appointment with any of our audiologists in North and South Carolina through myCEENTAchart or by calling 704-295-3300.


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