Someone with summer allergies during the coronavirus pandemic.

With review and feedback from CEENTA ENT doctor Roy Lewis, MD (Mooresville)

Although the coronavirus has been at the top of people’s minds this year, some people still have to deal with other health concerns, like summer allergies. Some of those people might have thought they’d get some relief this year, but they haven’t. How come?

Roy Lewis, MD

Masks and allergies

Even though you’re faithfully wearing your mask, you’re still getting allergy symptoms. Why? Well, while masks help reduce the spread of respiratory droplets and colds, unless you wear your mask every minute of every day it will not filter out the small allergens that cause allergic symptoms, CEENTA ENT doctor Roy Lewis, MD, said.

The great outdoors

Spending more time outside has helped us stay active while maintaining social distancing. However, we’re still being exposed to allergens, especially as rare activities like dining outside have become more commonplace. Therefore, even people who practice avoidance techniques could see an increase in allergy symptoms.

Do I have allergies or COVID-19?

There are a few key differences in the symptoms of allergies and the coronavirus. Allergies primarily affect the nose and eyes. Itching of the nose and eyes can occur with allergies but not coronavirus. The post-nasal drainage from allergies may lead to a mild cough but not shortness of breath. Allergies may cause tiredness but not body aches or ill-feeling.

On top of that, allergy symptoms occur at the same time every year. If you get allergy symptoms every summer, your current stuffy, runny, itchy nose is also likely due to allergies.

Also, coronavirus affects the lower respiratory region more than the nasal region.

Allergy treatment at CEENTA

CEENTA’s allergy specialists can determine what substances are causing your allergies and how to treat them. This can range from over-the-counter medicine to immunotherapy. CEENTA patients must now schedule immunotherapy appointments through myCEENTAchart at the offices where they currently receive their treatment. That said, patients who reach the maintenance levels on their therapy have the option of doing their treatment at home, another convenient option CEENTA offers its patients.

Don’t spend the rest of the summer sniffling and sneezing. Get the summer allergy care you deserve at CEENTA.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Would you like an appointment with Dr. Lewis? Call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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