SKinMedica products

With review and feedback from CEENTA facial plastic specialist Catherine Cuite, MD (SouthPark)

Refreshing and rejuvenating your skin doesn’t always require cosmetic injections or a facial plastic surgery treatment. Sometimes, all it takes is a skin cream you can apply at home. That’s why CEENTA is proud to now offer SkinMedica, a medical-grade skin care line.

CEENTA currently offers SkinMedica’s Retinol, TNS Essential Serum, and Lytera 2.0.

Retinol 0.5


Retinol 0.5 is a night cream used to treat aging skin, skin discoloration, free radical damage, and fine lines and wrinkles. It enhances skin tone, texture, and resiliency.

Retinol is a synthetic vitamin A product that increases collagen production and causes the skin to turn over more rapidly.

“Retinol literally gives you yesterday’s skin today,” CEENTA oculoplastics specialist Catherine Cuite, MD, said.

Pregnant women should not use Retinol or other retinoid products.

TNS Essential Serum

TNS Essential Serum

TNS Essential Serum is an all-in-one facial treatment for dryness, skin discoloration, free radical damage, fine lines and wrinkles, and loss of firmness.

It is the first topical cosmetic made almost entirely of stabilized human growth factor. Human growth factors are naturally-occurring proteins that stimulate cell growth and healing. Carefully selected antioxidants and peptides complement the benefits of the growth factors.

Because of these growth factors, pregnant women should not use TNS Essential Serum.

Lytera 2.0

Lytera 2.0

Lytera 2.0 is a facial treatment for skin discoloration. It evens and brightens you skin tone and reduces the appearance of dark spots.

In the past, skin-brightening products used hydroquinones. However, in 2006 the FDA revoked its approval of hydroquinones because they are potentially carcinogenic.

Lytera 2.0 is hydroquinone free. Additionally, it is safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

All three products are ideal for all skin types.

Get yourself some SkinMedica

SkinMedica products are sold in CEENTA’s SouthPark Suite 1A, Fort Mill, and Uptown offices. Additional offices are expected to carry SkinMedica products later this year.

If you want to try SkinMedica, CEENTA wants to make sure you use the right products for your needs. Don’t hesitate to come to one of the offices that offers those products.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Would you like an appointment with Dr. Cuite or another of CEENTA's facial plastic specialists? Call 704-295-3000. You can also schedule an appointment online or through myCEENTAchart.


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