A drummer wears hearing protection.

You love music. You listen to it all the time, and you might even play it, too. Music is a major part of your life, but you don’t want to hurt yourself while listening to it. That’s why it’s important to protect your hearing.

How loud can music get?

Music of all kinds can reach dangerous sound levels. Live rock music averages 120-150 dB, depending on the amplification and distance from the sound equipment. Symphonic music can reach sound levels of 120-137 dB. Even a piano played on its own can reach 95 dB, and a violin can get as loud as 103 dB.

For comparison, quiet conversation at home is about 50 dB, freeway traffic is 70 dB, a workplace can be 80-85 dB, and a jet takeoff is about 100 dB. Physical pain can be felt around 125 dB.

How can I protect my hearing?

Foam earplugs are a great first step to block out sound. Although they must be inserted properly to work effectively.

Kallie Telfer, AuD

Custom-fit musician’s earplugs are a better option if you’re a music lover. They are specially molded to your ear with a filter placed inside. Therefore, music is attenuated but still sounds great, CEENTA Audiologist Kallie Telfer, AuD, said. Different amounts of attenuation are available for the filter that is placed inside of the earplugs, dependent upon the musical instruments you play or genre of live music you enjoy.

If you are a musician, a consideration would be custom in-ear monitors as well. This is a more expensive option but will do the best at protecting your hearing along with being able to monitor the quality of your music, Dr. Telfer said.

Also, because sound travels in a straight line, music will always be louder directly in front of speakers. Make sure to stand to the side of your speakers or angle them away from you in order to lessen its impact on your ears.

Also, don’t be afraid to take breaks if you’re performing. Silence will give your inner ears a chance to rest.

Whether it’s your career or a hobby, we hope you enjoy music your whole life. Let us help your ears stay healthy while you do. Make an appointment at CEENTA today.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Dr. Telfer sees patients in our Huntersville and University offices. Do you need a hearing test? Call 704-295-3000 to make an appointment.


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