Some skin allergies could be considered one of many rare allergies

Water. Red meat. Exercise. The sun. Money. Last month, we talked about some of the rare but real allergies some people have. But the list doesn’t stop there. Today, we’re going to talk about four more unusual allergens.

Rare allergies

Human skin allergies

Some people can develop a rash from simple contact with another person. In fact, these people can write their names on their skin with the touch of a fingernail. While there is no cure, antihistamines can minimize the irritation.

Leather shoe allergies

Some people might find their feet breaking into uncomfortable rashes whenever they wear leather shoes because of the chemicals used to tan the leather. Antihistamines can help, but you might just want to wear socks or switch to another type of shoe altogether.

Cold allergies

In rare cases, extremely cold temperatures can cause anything from a rash to a sudden drop in blood pressure. While antihistamines can help, staying out of cold water and in warm areas is a good idea, too.

Avocado allergies

Latex is a fairly common allergen, but did you know that a latex allergy can cause an avocado allergy, too? The proteins in avocados are similar to those found in natural latex, so if you know you have a latex allergy, exercise caution before ordering some avocado toast.

Allergy care at CEENTA

Allergies can come from many sources. If you are experiencing congestion, a runny nose, or itchy eyes due to environmental allergies, come to CEENTA for a test. Our allergy specialists will help determine the cause and develop a treatment plan best suited to your needs.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New patients can make appointments online with our ENT doctors in North and South Carolina. Current patients can also make appointments through myCEENTAchart with physicians they have already seen.


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