Showing the "good side" of their face during a selfie.

Originally posted December 23, 2019

In Hollywood, actors and actresses often tell the cameraman to get the “good side” of their face. People who take selfies often favor one side of their face over the other. Why do we do that? Does one side of our face really look better than the other?

What is facial symmetry?

When comparing one side of your body to the other, imagine that it is split in half by an imaginary line. This line is called the sagittal plane, which divides the body between the right and left sections. Facial symmetry is considered if you have the same qualities between both sides of the face across this plane. This includes everything from ear alignment, eyebrow alignment, equal eye appearances, and even lip distribution.

Is one side of my face really more attractive than the other?

Oculoplastic surgeon Catherine Cuite, MD discusses whether or not people have a good side of their face

There is a very good chance that the two sides of your face do look different. But that’s not a bad thing, nor does it mean that one side looks better than the other. Many people – including some of the most beautiful celebrities of the past and present – have facial asymmetry. In fact, you can find numerous web sites that will show you what famous faces would look like if both halves of their faces were mirror images of each other.

“It’s fun and intriguing to have facial asymmetry,” CEENTA oculoplastic surgeon Catherine Cuite, MD, from our SouthPark office said.

Why do I think I have a “good side” of my face?

Scientists believe people favor the left side of their face over their right because the left side of the face is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, which controls people’s emotions. Therefore, the left side of the face shows more emotional expression, and people prefer to show it on camera as their "good side." That said, it doesn’t mean your left side is more attractive than the right. It just means there’s a good chance you think it’s more expressive.

What conditions can cause facial asymmetry?

Facial asymmetry has a number of causes, including genetics, smoking, dental work, aging, injuries, and even how you sleep or sit.

However, if you notice sudden droopiness or other abrupt changes in one side of your face, it could be the sign of a serious condition like Bell’s palsy or a stroke. If that happens, we urge you to see a doctor right away so you can get proper medical treatment.

Can you help me with a few small things?

Both sides of your face are beautiful, but we understand if you want to smooth out a few wrinkles or take care of a drooping eyelid. If so, schedule a consultation appointment with a CEENTA facial plastic surgeon. They won’t make your face symmetrical, but they will help you put your best face forward.

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. Would you like an appointment with Dr. Cuite? Schedule an appointment online, through myCEENTAchart, or by calling 704-295-3000.


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