CEENTA CEO Dr. Jag Gill Interviewed by Charlotte Checkers

Members of #TeamCEENTA came out to support the Charlotte Checkers on Sunday, January 21, 2023 and enjoy a back-and-forth game of AHL hockey. During the second period intermission, CEENTA CEO Dr. Jag Gill sat down with members of the Checkers to discuss CEENTA's history, plans for the future, and our involvement with the Charlotte metro communities.

Transcript of the Interview:

Charlotte Checkers: Welcome back inside the Tar Heel Linen Service Intermission Report, Charlotte Checkers and Cleveland Monsters all tied up at two after two. We're gonna give you the recap of this game here in just a little bit, but before we do, I have a very special guest up here in the booth with me from Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, Dr. Jag Gill. Dr. Gill, second time having you up here in the booth with me over these last couple years. Thanks so much for coming up and doing this once again.

Dr. Jag Gill: Well, thank you for inviting me. We've been sponsoring the Checkers now for 10 years and it's been our pleasure doing it. It's a great partnership.

Checkers: You say it's your pleasure, it's certainly ours. I mean, we enjoy having you guys every single year and the stuff that you guys do in the community, and there's been some news out there as far as Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates being voted one of the best places to work in the city of Charlotte. That is fantastic. Congratulations.

Dr. Gill: Thank you so much. We really pride ourselves of that. We've now won that six of the last seven years and rumor has it that we're gonna be winning the best places to work USA here on January 30th. And if that comes true, we would be extremely delighted.

Checkers: That is fantastic. I mean, to be voted one of the best workplaces in the country is certainly something that, you know, all of your employees can get behind. And we were talking about this a little bit off the air is just that, you know, not only when you go to Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates are you gonna get great care, but you're gonna get great care from people who truly enjoy doing what they do. And it comes from the top down and that work culture really comes out in the employees. And you guys have been expanding as well and new stores left and right. And it sounds like you have a new one coming up here.

Dr. Gill: We do. We have a brand new clinic that's opening up in Mooresville. We have 18 different locations all the way from Statesville up in the north, Lancaster, South Carolina and the South. We're in Albemarle to our east and to Belmont in the West. And we really enjoy taking care of all of our patients in the Carolinas. We've got clinics not only in Charlotte, North Carolina, but we also have them in Fort Mill, Rock Hill, and Lancaster as we talked about earlier.

Checkers: And I'm glad that you brought up South Carolina because we do, we have so many listeners from the South Carolina area that might need this kind of care. So I kinda want to dive into, what are some of the services that you guys offer at Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates, in case there's anyone out there listening who might have a need?

Dr. Gill: We can pretty much take care of anything you need above your neck. So anything that has to do with your eyes, your ears, your nose, your throat, we can take care of that. Not only can we take care of that, we can take care of anything in the Charlotte area that you would have to go to an academic medical center. And that is quite unique because Charlotte's one of the only cities that does not have a medical school or an academic medical center. We're getting one in two years and we can't wait until that time. But in the meantime, if you come see us, you don't have to travel to far away places to get care.

Checkers: You don't have to go to UNC Chapel Hill or -

Dr. Gill: Duke or any of those places. We can take care of you right here in and around Charlotte.

Checkers: And that's incredible because there's a number of great healthcare providers just in the Charlotte community for you guys to fill that void. That's fantastic.

Dr. Gill: It is. And like I said, we've been around for 100 years.

Checkers: Incredible. Congratulations.

Dr. Gill: And you may or may not know this, but about 50 years ago, one of our physicians is the first one who invented the ear tube.

Checkers: Wow, okay.

Dr. Gill: Every mother out there should be thanking that physician because that has been a game changer when it comes to ear infections and young infants. So we are so proud to have innovations like that. We've been doing that for the last 100 years, and we plan to continue doing that over the next hundred years.

Checkers: Has that ear tube directly led to fewer ear infections in children over the last 50 years?

Dr. Gill: Absolutely.

Checkers: That's fantastic.

Dr. Gill: I mean, the fact that you can drain that fluid from the ear, it really calms the infant down and moms and dads are very happy when that happens.

Checkers: If I'm out there and I'm listening, I'm in Charlotte or I'm in South Carolina, wherever, how would I find out more about Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates? What's the best place to go for that?

Dr. Gill: The best place? Just to go to our website and it's www.ceenta.com, which is c-e-e-n-t-a.com.

Checkers: It's a little bit shorter than typing out Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat. It's very easy to get to, c-e-e-n-t-a.com. Can you make online appointments there and things along those lines?

Dr. Gill: You absolutely can. You can make online appointments and you can also sign up for our myCEENTAchart.

Checkers: Okay.

Dr. Gill: Which allows you to communicate with our providers These days it's harder and harder to communicate via the telephone, and by having that out there you can just communicate with your provider. You can make appointments, you can pay your bills, you get your lab results, everything is available on your app, on your phone. And I highly encourage everyone to sign up for that.

Checkers: Oh, I mean, it's a brilliant idea and it's, it's so much easier. Remember the days of when you would get a, you know, you'd have to wait 24 hours for a lab result to come in and then the doctor's office would call someone and they don't answer their phone or their answering machine is full and they don't actually get the results until two to three days later. I mean, that could be in certain instances life or death situations. This is very cool to just have it on your phone and have all that info. And I know I'm a guy that has no memory. I like having that and saying, "Okay, you know what, yeah, that's right. Eight months ago, I went in for this, this, this, and this and I got this, this, this, and this." And that's, that's really cool. It's neat to see.

Dr. Gill: It is. And that information is there for pretty much ever.

Checkers: From the ear tube to the technology with the myCEENTAchart, you guys are just ahead of the curve. Fantastic.

Dr. Gill: We are, we really appreciate it.

Checkers: It takes that kind of thinking and that kind of care. It takes the kind of place that has voted one of the top places to work to last a hundred years because there's not many companies out there that are a hundred years old. So congratulations again on the nomination. We're gonna be keeping an eye on seeing if CEENTA ends up being one of the best places to work in the us that would be fantastic.

Dr. Gill: That would be great. Thank you so much for your time.

Checkers: Dr. Gill. Thank you again.

Dr. Gill: Thank you.

Checkers: Thank you for your partnership and everything you do for the Checkers as well.

Dr. Gill: Thank you for your partnership. We've absolutely enjoyed being partners with the Checkers. And if I can just have a shout out for Mary Grams. She is great.

Checkers: She is wonderful, isn't she? She is. Shout out to Mary Grams. Shout out to Dr. Jag Gill.

Dr. Gill: Thank you.


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