Historical medical textbooks

The first 5,000 years of allergy care

Feb 02, 2018

For as long as recorded human civilization has existed, people have had allergies. Allergy treatment is almost as old as both. How has it developed into what you can get at CEENTA today? Today’s blog offers a glimpse into the long history of allergy care.

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Harold Ridley, MD, the inventor of intraocular lenses and early cataract lens options

The origin of intraocular lenses

Feb 24, 2017

Millions of people who have had cataracts had their cloudy lenses replaced with intraocular lenses. A wide variety are now available, including those that treat astigmatism, those that help people see both near and far without corrective lenses, and those that reduce halos around lights at night. But did you know that the inspiration for this medical treatment has its origins in a World War II injury?

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Popular ad describing night vision during World War II

Carrots, night vision, and World War II

Nov 18, 2016

It was 1940, and the German Luftwaffe was making regular air raids on the United Kingdom. Although the British Royal Air Force was successful in shooting down many German planes, blackouts were still in effect across the country to minimize the visibility of targets on the ground. But don’t worry, the British government said. If you eat carrots, they’ll help you see in the dark, just like they did for RAF Flight Lieutenant John “Cat’s Eyes” Cunningham. Cunningham was responsible for shooting down 20 German aircraft, and it was attributed to his love of carrots. The only problem with that? The British government made it up.

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