Weather changes can cause ear, nose, and throat problems

Depending on where you live, you may experience a bright sunny day one moment, cold nights the next, then harsh rain after that. Some geographical areas can have sudden shifts in temperature and humidity that not only cause your weatherman to be confused, but also your senses.

Why does the weather change suddenly?

Sudden weather changes can happen by shifts in the wind, cooling up areas of land much faster than nearby bodies of water. In areas with a flat topography, a lack of mountains can mean greater exposure to weather systems.

Can weather changes affect my ears?

If you experience weather changes that go from warm to cold quite quickly, you may experience extra bouts of ear pain. For those with constant ear ringing (tinnitus), sudden changes in atmospheric pressure or wind speeds can cause this condition to flare up.

Can weather changes affect my nose?

Your HVAC system can be worn down by switching between warming and cooling your home. As a result, you may find your place to be dehumidified, making it the perfect holding area for pollen, mold, and mildew. Each of these can bring their own set of issues to your nasal passages, including chronic sinusitis and allergy symptoms.

Dr. Robert Silver, a CEENTA otolaryngologist at our Matthews location, goes into further detail about nasal changes from the weather. “Many people suffer from a condition called vasomotor rhinitis. This is a condition where nasal congestion occurs with changes in temperature or barometric pressure. This can even occur rapidly as one enters an air-conditioned building on a hot summer day. Although this condition cannot be cured, there are treatment options available to help control these symptoms.”

Can weather changes affect my throat?

Along with the increase in sinus infections and allergies, sudden weather shifts can cause existing respiratory infections to become more aggravated, leading to extra coughing fits. If these changes are causing postnasal drip, you may find your throat to be more irritated from the increase in nasal secretions.

Your senses can be pretty sensitive to the weather, especially if you experience multiple seasons in a day. If you’re ready to tackle these climate-causing conditions, talk to a CEENTA physician. Our otolaryngologists treat a variety of illnesses related to the ear, nose, and throat, perfect for anyone who faces shifts in weather. Schedule your next ENT appointment with Dr. Silver at our Matthews office today to experience premier ear, nose, and throat care no matter the season. 

This blog is for informational purposes only. For specific medical questions, please consult your doctor. New patients can make appointments online with our doctors in North and South Carolina. Current patients can also make appointments through myCEENTAchart with physicians they have already seen.


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