Dr. Neela Rao and Amanda Mackey on the Daily Two discussing chemical peels

CEENTA facial plastic surgeon Neela Rao, MD, and licensed esthetician Amanda Mackey appeared on WSOC's Daily Two on September 13th, 2022 to discuss chemical peels and skincare. Learn more about chemical peels at CEENTA and schedule your next appointment with Dr. Rao and Amanda at our Fort Mill office today.

Transcript of the Interview:

Laura Palka: The Daily Two is brought to you by Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat Associates. Having great skin can take years off your appearance and who doesn't want that? Joining us today from Charlotte Eye Ear Nose & Throat is Doctor Neela Rao and her esthetician Amanda Mackey. Thanks for being here.

Dr. Neela Rao: Thank you.

Laura: So doctor, what are some common skin treatment options on the market?

Dr. Rao: Well, Laura, I really break down skincare into two groups: one is topical, your skincare products like your sunblock, your vitamin A with your retinol, your antioxidants, and anti-aging serums. Those are great for maintenance and prevention, and then your procedures like laser and light therapy and chemical peels.

Laura: Amanda, speaking of chemical peels, tell us about those and how do we know if it's time to get one done?

Amanda Mackey: Well, chemical peels are one of my favorite, and chemical peels are a great way to improve the appearance and texture of your skin. They're all kind of different chemical peels out there. You may have heard of glycolic acid or salicylic acid, and we can actually customize your chemical peel based on your skin type.

Laura: And how long is the downtime depending on what type you get?

Amanda: So your more mild chemical peels are going to be a week or less, and your deeper chemical peels that are going to target more deeper lines and moderate-to-severe sun damage, that type of thing, is probably going to be a week or more.

Laura: Doctor, tell us what else you offer at the Fort Mill office?

Dr. Rao: So as a facial plastic surgeon, we offer rejuvenation surgery of the head and neck that involve rhinoplasty, eyelid lift, face and neck lift, as well as the full gambit of injectables with BOTOX, Dysport, and filler.

Laura: So, if someone is interested, they should probably just come in for a consult first?

Dr. Rao: Yes. A skin evaluation and starting a conversation with Amanda and myself is the best place to start.

Laura: Alright, thank you both so much for joining us today. We appreciate all the great information, and if you would like more or to make an appointment, call the number on your screen or go to WeJustMakeSense.com. For the Daily Two, I'm Laura Palka.


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