CEENTA is listed as a 2024 Healthiest Employer of Charlotte

CEENTA is proud to announce that we have once again been listed as one of the Healthiest Employers of Charlotte.

This distinction is based on a survey created in partnership with Springbuk that is circulated to companies and covers a wide variety of health and wellness factors, including healthcare coverage, employee testimonials, and incentive programs. Each company is compared to similar-sized organizations in the Charlotte metropolitan area with the highest-scoring companies featured on the list.

This year, CEENTA ranked sixth among companies with 500 to 999 employees and was the only healthcare practice listed in the top ten. We have been a multi-year recipient of the Healthiest Employers award dating back to 2011.

“As we focus on being the healthiest employer, we aim to create a positive and thriving workplace culture that benefits our employees as a whole,” Rita Halverson, Director of Human Resources, stated. “We will continue to promote healthy habits by offering wellness programs and resources. In addition, we will also prioritize mental health and well-being, offering resources and support for stress management, work-life balance, and mental health awareness.”

“As a healthcare practice, CEENTA takes great pride in not only raising the bar for wellness with our patients but also with our dedicated team members,” CEENTA CEO Jag Gill, ScD, said. “We are proud to be recognized for this distinction and will continue to provide the resources necessary for our employees' holistic well-being.”

If you would like to work at one of Charlotte’s Healthiest Employers, view a list of our open positions today on our Careers page.


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