Recently I had emergency eye surgery to correct an intraocular lens problem that had over the years caused the cells of the iris to slough off, which ultimately caused glaucoma as well as building pressure in the walls of the intraocular pocket the lenses rested in. This caused the pocket to burst, causing near blindness. After multiple trips to the ER for excruciating headaches, two days later I was admitted to the hospital.

After a two-and-a-half week stay in the hospital to address bacterial meningitis and what in the hospital was diagnosed as a sinus infection, I was released to various doctors (GP, infectious disease, eye surgeon, etc.). After having run that gauntlet to determine the source of the meningitis and other conditions, I approached Dr. Lewis, my ENT physician.

Having viewed my CT scans from the hospital and confirming in his office with another CT scan, he quickly determined my infected Synthroid sinuses hand to be drained and quickly set about lining up surgery to correct the infection. Given the fact that the meningitis as well as the extreme headaches could return at any time, and I was not still on heavy antibiotics, I faced the possibility that another infectious agent might take hold. I am thoroughly convinced, had Dr Lewis not intervened, I was in jeopardy of dying. Only by the grace of God and Dr. Lewis' skill and caring am I able to relay this story. You will find no other doctor as thoughtful, caring and professional as Dr. Lewis. You cannot find a better doctor anywhere.



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