I took my 5 year old, Drew, to CEENTA in September 2017 after his pediatrician recommended we have his eyes checked. His older sister has amblyopia & had to patch for a few years so I was praying he didn't have the same thing because it was a struggle with my daughter and I knew it would be even more of a struggle with Drew. After having being told by Dr. Haney that Drew would definitely need glasses due to a strong astigmatism in both eyes, he began crying & begging to take the eye test again. Through tears he said he promised he'd try harder if they let him take the test again. My heart broke for him. When we came back to pick up his new glasses, which he was NOT happy about, he reluctantly put them on and then froze. I watched him slowly walk to the window & stare. He turned around with the biggest smile & said, "So this is what the world is supposed to look like!" Tears filled my eyes. Not only did I not have any idea how much he was missing before wearing glasses, but seeing him finally understand the need & even more so, appreciating what his glasses now allow him to see was the most overwhelming feeling. Now we all call him Clark Kent :)



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