Dr. Levine has been treating me for sleep apnea for two or three years. CPAP wasn’t working for me. I’d have difficulty falling asleep, the mask would irritate my face, and sometimes I’d wake up and the mask was on the floor, and I’d have no idea how it got there. Also, I do a lot of international travel and I couldn’t comfortably sleep on a plane for those 16-hour flights.

Late last summer I stumbled across information about Inspire and did some research into it. At the time no one in Charlotte was doing it, so I was going to ask for a referral to Duke. I went to my next appointment and I told Dr. Levine I hated my CPAP. He said he knew of a treatment that might work. I asked him if it was Inspire, and he said yes. He said he was just at Duke watching the procedure because he was in the process of getting certified. It was quite serendipitous.

I had the surgery on June 19, and the device was activated July 27. I’m still in the phase where we adjust the device, but I’m already noticing an improvement in my sleep. I’m sleeping a lot better, I’m barely snoring at all, I’m dreaming, and when I wake up I feel really rested. I’m very happy with it, and I would recommend Inspire and Dr. Levine to patients in similar situations.



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