Eyelid surgery in Charlotte, NC

If your eyes are considered the “windows to your soul”, then your eyelids are the curtains. As you age, you may experience drooping eyelids that can give you an apathetic or sleepy appearance. Even worse, this condition can impact your vision and your posture as you adjust to see.
To remedy this, CEENTA offers blepharoplasty performed by fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeons who understand how to remedy this delicate part of the body. Learn more about this procedure, your potential candidacy, and how you can schedule your blepharoplasty consultation with our physicians providing this surgery in SouthPark, Belmont, Blakeney, Concord, Huntersville, Salisbury, and Statesville.

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What is a blepharoplasty eyelid procedure?

As you age, the skin around your eyes becomes lax and stretches, which can cause your eyes to narrow. The fat, which normally sits around the eyeball, herniates through weaknesses in the fine membranes, resulting in visible lumps or bulges. While genetic in some cases, most people develop these changes around their eyes in their early 30s. Blepharoplasty is designed to remove excess eyelid skin and protruding fat in order to accentuate the beauty of your eyes.

While the surgery itself should not affect your vision, you should have a complete eye exam by an optometrist or ophthalmologist prior to the procedure. Blepharoplasty comes in two forms:

Functional Eyelid Surgery: Stretching and relaxation of the middle layer of the eyelid (orbital septum) allows fat to move forward, resulting in “fullness” to the eyelid. With time, the excess eyelid tissue in the upper eyelid may hang over the eyelid and cause a visual field restriction. If this restriction is significant enough to meet specific criteria established by insurance carriers and Medicare, then upper eyelid blepharoplasty may be a covered reconstructive procedure. Surgical removal of excess skin, muscle, and fat (if needed) may lead to an improved and more comfortable field of view for you. At times, only one eye may need this procedure.

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery: Unfortunately, with aging, the upper and lower eyelids become droopy or baggy in appearance. Excess eyelid tissue may create a tired look, a heavy feeling to the eyelid area and make you look and feel older. Aesthetically, such conditions may detract from the overall attractiveness of your eyes. Removal of the excess skin and fat from either or both of the upper and lower eyelids can restore a younger, more rested facial appearance.

Your own results may vary – be sure to talk to your healthcare provider about what you can expect from blepharoplasty and when to schedule your next appointment.

Who is a good candidate for eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty is typically performed on healthy candidates who are 35 years of age or older, though it can be considered for younger patients. Prospective candidates include those who have excessive skin or drooping of the eyelids. People who notice their eyelids may be lowering and potentially affecting their vision should discuss with their doctor if blepharoplasty is right for them.

The blepharoplasty procedure

Upper eyelid correction may be done separately or in conjunction with lower eyelid surgery. It is generally performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. The operation usually takes from 1-2 hours.

A blepharoplasty eyelid surgery involves the following steps:

Step 1: The patient is administered medication for comfort.

Step 2: Incisions are made in the eyelid to remove excess skin, adjust fat deposits, and tighten muscles.

Step 3:  The incisions are closed with skin glue or one-week sutures.

Your upper incisions are hidden in the natural creases of your eyelid. Lower eyelid incisions can be positioned either on the inner aspect of the eyelid, where it is completely concealed, or in a skin crease just below the eyelid margin when excess skin is removed. Given sufficient time for healing, these incisions are generally imperceptible.

You can expect little pain, but mild swelling and discoloration will develop around your eyes following surgery.

Recovery, limitations, and risks of blepharoplasty eyelid procedure

Upon completion of your surgery we will give you a list of detailed instructions for you to use at home. We do not place any bandages around your eyes. You will be able to reduce swelling and discoloration with cold compresses. This will gradually resolve over the next two weeks. You are encouraged to conceal the discoloration with large framed sunglasses.

You should not exert yourself for two weeks following surgery. This includes any exercise that results in an elevation of the heart rate or blood pressure – aerobics, jogging, bicycle riding, weightlifting, etc. Most people can return to work one to two weeks after their surgery.

Sutures will be removed one week following your surgery. Initially the incisions are prominent and slightly raised. However, they will gradually flatten and blend into the surrounding skin after several months. In most cases the fine scar can be readily camouflaged with cosmetics.


Blepharoplasty will not remove every fine wrinkle from under your eyes. Attempts to do this would result in pulling the eyelid away from the eye, creating an odd “surgical” look. “Crow’s feet," at the outer extent of the eye, are also not eliminated by this type of surgery. Residual wrinkling of the upper and lower eyelids would require correction with a chemical peellaserbrasion, or a BOTOX injection.

Upper eyelid sagging can be aggravated by a laxity of the eyebrow, which is displaced below the bony orbital rim. If you have significant drooping of the brow, eyelid surgery alone may accentuate the distorted position of the brow. In such cases we would also recommend a browlift to provide the most pleasing aesthetic result.

Lines that are produced as a result of facial expression – smiling, grimacing, frowning, and the like are not alleviated. Such movements result from normal contractions of the facial muscles and are observed in all individuals regardless of age or skin type.


Post-operatively, soft tissue swelling or poor muscle tone may temporarily displace your lower lid downward away from your eye. This occurs infrequently and usually subsides with resolution of the swelling and improvement in muscle tone. In rare cases additional surgery is required to tighten the eyelid.

On occasion, you may experience a temporary impairment of your ability to make tears, resulting in a dry, irritated eye. This is corrected with lubricants until the swelling resolves and tear production returns to normal.

A collection of blood under the skin flap and around the eye can develop in a rare situation. Correction may require close observation until your body reabsorbs the fluid, aspiration, or open drainage. Permanent impairment of vision is an extremely rare event.

Risks will be discussed in more detail during your visit with your physician.

Blepharoplasty eyelid surgery results

Example of Eyelid Surgery, Blepharoplasty procedure in Charlotte, and eye lift surgery at CEENTA

The visual improvements with eyelid surgery can be dramatic. “Opening” of the eyes can often eliminate a sad and tired appearance of the face, making you look more youthful.

Blepharoplasty in Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas

CEENTA has doctors in SouthPark, Belmont, Blakeney, Concord, Huntersville, Salisbury, and Statesville offering consultations for this condition. They are skilled in the most up-to-date technology and treatment options and will come up with a care plan personalized for your needs.

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